
Xavier Theater Presents: Cinderella


The production of cinderella required a lot of unique lighting design. Our most used fixtures in the show were our 8 Martin MAC Viper Moving head fixtures. The Vipers were used as specials, cool visual effects, and to add sparkles to the carriage when it entered. One of the most intense effects in the show is during the prologue, when the fairy godmother is talking to the audience behind a scrim. We used the Vipers to project wispy, magical light onto the scrim, and projected effects onto the audience to further engage the audience into the magic of the show. We had 2 follow spots, which helped highlight the actors to help distinguish the main characters, or soloists, from the ensomble. Cinderella was also the first time we used LED box booms. We hung 4 ETC Colorsource Spots on the box booms. These fixtures have 5 diodes(Red, Lime, Green, Blue Indigo), and a lot of intensity. Having box booms with an infinite amount of color choices, and more light output helped sculpt the actors.

Stage Management

Cinderella was a very large show, and we had to manage the stage in a very efficient manner. This production of cinderella had massive props that needed to me moved quickly, and quietly off and on stage. The staircase was the most diffucult, as it was the largest, and needed to be moved by four people.

Sound Design

Xavier production of cinderella was fortunate to have a pit orchestra for the show. We used mostly front fills for the audience, and set up monitors in the pit, on the apron, and on high sides for the actors to hear the music.